聖母家訪 Marian Visitation

堂區聖母軍每年五月及十月都會舉行聖母家訪活動,以鼓勵家庭及信仰團體誦念和默想玫瑰經,並提倡家庭祈禱的重要性。歡迎教友在主日感恩祭後,到聖母軍櫃台報名。如有查詢,可電郵smc.legion@gmail.com或致電 9674234 (可Whatsapp) 堂區聖母軍。

Legion of Mary of the Parish organise Marian Visitation every May and October. To encourage and promote the devotion and continuous prayers and meditation of the Rosary within families and communities. If you wish to sign up, please enroll at the Legion of Mary counter after every Sunday Mass. For inquiries please contact us at smc.legion@gmail.com or 96740234 (Whatsapp available).