
玫瑰月!! Rosary Month!!

堂區聖母軍誠意邀請各位教友於十月玫瑰月參加聖母家訪活動; 活動鼓勵教友們將聖母像帶回家誦唸及默想玫瑰經,翌日中午前交回堂區辦事處。主日彌撒後可於聖母家訪諮詢處或堂區詢問處查詢及報名。我們亦於十月於網上週五恭念玫瑰經。同時,我們亦會舉行彌撒及青年朝拜明供聖體。詳情請留意堂區宣佈及我們網站發佈。


You are cordially invited to join the Marian Visitation organized by the parish’s Legion of Mary in the month of October. You can bring home the statue of Our Lady for prayers and saying of the Holy Rosary, followed by returning the statue to the parish the next day. You are welcome to register at the Marian Visitation counter outside the church after Sunday Mass.  We will also be saying the Rosary every Friday, dedicated masses for our Lady and adoration with youths.  Stay tuned to the parish news and updates on this site!
